Welcome to D23 Archipelago. This is my response to the Dungeon 23 challenge posted by Sean McCoy here: https://seanmccoy.substack.com/p/dungeon23
I will be creating one new adventure location per day during the entire course of 2023, and providing weekly updates here. Rather than construct a single megadungeon, this project will encompass a long chain of 12 islands (1 per month). On each island there can be found a dungeon of four levels (1 per week) containing seven or eight rooms each (1 per day).
The general tone will be gritty Sword & Sorcery, rather than high fantasy. These will be the types of islands that might draw the attention of Sinbad or Conan.
Madness? Assuredly. I have never in my 58 years attempted a New Year's resolution. The reason will become immediately apparent when you glance at my personal character sheet:
Name: Vidgrip Alignment: Chaotic Mess
Imagination: 18 Willpower: 3
That's all you need to know for now. Wish me luck.
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